The Excitement of Fishing, poem and artwork by Arthur Intermill

The Excitement of Fishing (A Poem)

original artwork The Excitement of Fishing by Arthur Intermill
The Excitement of Fishing by Arthur Intermill

This poem about fishing is by Arthur Intermill, our resident literary and artistic genius.

Art creates amazing hunting poems, fishing poems, and short stores about the great outdoors.

He also makes breathtaking unique artwork celebrating hunting, fishing and outdoor life.

You can view more of Art’s work here.

Fishing, a thrilling adventure
On a sparkling lake or rushing river
The excitement of the unknown
As the line goes tight, the heart goes quick

A reel in hand, an eager wait
For the fierce tug and dance
The rush of the catch, the thrill of the bait
As the fish leaps and glistens, in a trance

The beauty of nature all around
The splash of water, the chirp of song
A moment to embrace the wild, to be unbound
From the daily grind, the whole day long

So come and cast a line, my friend
Find joy in the thrill of fishing
The excitement it brings will never end
A true and timeless pleasure, keep wishing!

-- Poem and art work by Arthur Intermill

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